The founder, Sugimoto Rihee apprenticed himself to “Kawatome”, a manufacturer and seller of Kamaboko, and continued his training to establish “Sugimoto Rihee Honten” in 1919.

Sugimoto Rihee had a close friendship with Akiyama Tokuzo, the chief chef of the Imperial household, and had been delivering Kamaboko to the Ministry of the Imperial Household since prewar days. After the war, we received the Imperial household Agency's order in 1952, and have been delivering Kamaboko to the agency's official events such as “Kosho Hajime” and “Uta Kai Hajime” to this day.

The product name “Hakugin” was given by Mr. Matsuoka Yosuke who is minister of Foreign Affairs, in 1936 When he visited Mitajiri in Hofu where his mother lives, named “Hakugin” our Kamaboko, which he had loves its taste and its color. “Hakugin” means white like snow.

“Hakugin” has been our signature product since the establishment of the company, and has become a popular product through word of mouth from our customers, and has been improved to suit the times. “Hakugin” is pure white and shiny like snow. Please enjoy chewy and tasty “Hakugin” loved by many celebrities.